Welcome to What’s Good,
stories of creativity, people and things we’re proud of.

Running with Hellen: A Heartfelt Journey of Friendship, Innovation, and Seriously Cool Shoes
The Heart to Race is a short documentary celebrating the deep bonds that form between elite athletes, the way friendship and mentorship can uplift and propel them toward greatness, and how supporting one another can make all the difference in their remarkable careers.

This December, make your project really count
Every December, when you cast an actor, license some music, find the perfect dog bark or mix a spot with Digital One, a significant chunk goes to Transition Projects and helps those experiencing homelessness. In any given year, Transition Projects helps place more than 1,000 people into affordable housing - and then support them in retaining that housing. Seen, your project can help be part of a real solution.

It takes a team to get a dog to say Moo
As it turns out, Moo is the easy part…it’s all the other parts that take a little more of a team. And in this series of spots, we had a pretty damn good team.

(Re) introducing Josh Millman
As a creative audio engineer, musician, voiceover actor, video editor and graphic designer, Josh decided that doing just one thing is for wimps. Watch the Mr Curiosity animation to learn more…

Freestyle XIX raises over $991,000 for Doernbecher
Thank you to the sponsors and supporters who raised this amount for OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital through the Doernbecher Freestyle XIX Collection Unveiling and Auction. Since 2004, this extraordinary partnership has raised nearly $37 million to ensure lifesaving care is always there for kids — no matter what.

Yes, there is football being played in Portland, and if anything, they hit harder
Digital One was excited to be drafted to an amazing production team entrusted to bring this story to light. The brainchild of For Good and Co and Good Buddy Co, they knew they needed to select Portland’s best for their squad, including Koerner Camera and Marmoset Music.

PSU’s new podcast puts the Ship into the Talk
When we were approached by our neighbors at Portland State University’s admissions office to help them create a stand out podcast for incoming freshmen and transfer students, we sat down with Sam Dunlop and his team to learn more. When they told us the name of the show was “Ship Talk”, we knew right away this was going to be fun.

(Re) introducing Jason Sotomayor
What do an imported Japanese Townace, green thumbs and multiple Emmy awards have in common? They all belong to Jason Sotomayor, Digital One’s Senior Creative Producer.

Rebeloop Records Raucous Rendition for VR
Whether you’re a gamer or not, you’ve probably heard of Among Us. And if you say you haven’t, well that’s a bit sus.

Dame and his Expert Friends
Guest bloggers Zach Feiner and Will Cuddy are a west-coast based directing duo recognized for developing sincere stories about remarkable people. Formally, they are known as Expert Friends, but we prefer to think of them as team players with high standards. These guys are proof that you can move fast, be talented and have fun…just like the subject in their latest spot.

The Making of Her Own
Digital One believes in the power of place and community, and we love collaborating with local storytellers on exciting new projects. This summer, we were very excited to support "Produced By Her", a 5-week media camp that brings girls aged 12-17 together to learn about documentary filmmaking.

Livestream a Podcast? What A Nice Idea
Recording a podcast in a coffee shop has it’s fair share of obvious challenges but recording in front of an audience adds a whole new set of difficulties such as amplifying the interview and providing mics for live questions. As it was Design Week Portland, we couldn’t leave good enough alone and decided that this was also the perfect opportunity to livestream the event onto the web.

A movie that sounds so good, you don't need to see it
To launch their new range of invisible sprays, Old Spice produced the world’s first invisible movie. “Wait!” you say. “An invisible movie?” Yup, an honest to god, action packed, feature length, 2 hour long movie with NO visuals. It’s titled Invisible World. Who in their right mind would concoct such a ground-breaking idea? None other than iconic Portland-based agency Wieden + Kennedy.

Save the Salmon, Hear Nice Sounds
When we tell people we live in the Pacific Northwest they usually imagine bears fishing for salmon as they swim up cool, clear rivers rushing joyously toward the ocean. But this picture is in danger of fading into the history books

'Masks of Desire' debuts in Portland
In a world of instant gratification, filmmaking is hardly instant. It takes time, resourcefulness and a hardworking team to make a great project come to life. With a background in music video and commercial work, Jesse Vinton of Vinton Depiction decided to take on the task of his first short film, but he found himself distracted…

A Filmmaker’s jealousy brings Flowers to life
Guest blogger Allan Luebke is an American filmmaker best known for his 2014 documentary ‘Glena’. He currently splits his time between Portland and New York. Following an inspired meeting with a friend and theatre producer in New York last year, he returned to Portland determined to try his hand at directing a play. Using an original script he had previously commissioned, he settled into telling a story that is both deeply personal and widely relatable: the story of a dysfunctional relationship dynamic and the people within it…

Saving our Sanctuaries and Wild Places
Guest blogger John Waller, principal of Uncage the Soul, knows about wild places. His work as a director and cinematographer has brought him from the top of Mount Fuji to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. A passion for fly fishing led him to the story of Frank Moore, a veteran with a devotion to the healing power of nature. Digital One jumped on the opportunity to provide sound design for the project…

A world of sound for Romanoff's "Noah"
When Blue Chalk Media came to us with a short film on the subject of neighborhood revitalization in Flint, Michigan, the power of the subject matter combined with the excellent filmmaking drew us in. For Dig1 engineer Chip Sloan, this story was even closer to home – he grew up 30 minutes outside of Flint and has seen firsthand the challenges of a community in transition. He knew that sound design would add to the realism of this powerful story…

Nike unveils 6 hot new Designers tonight at the Doernbecher Freestyle Event!
Nike designers team up with 6 inventive, fun and inspiring young patients at the Children’s Hospital to come up with unique designs, where they do everything from choosing materials & color to placing images that are meaningful to them. The shoes and apparel are available for purchase and 100% of the proceeds go to the hospital.

Five of our films made it into the 42nd Northwest Filmmakers’ Festival
It’s one of our favorite times of the year, and not just because eggnog is back in the cooler at New Seasons; the Northwest Filmmakers’ Festival starts this week! Showcasing the incredible talent who call the PNW home, the Festival stretches from November 12th thru the 18th. There are too many great films to name, but here are five that Digital One worked on.