Yes, there is football being played in Portland, and if anything, they hit harder

Get to know a team of women who devote their hearts, minds, and bodies to changing the perception of football, and sport, as a whole. Told through the inspiring voices of the Portland-based Oregon Ravens, Waymakers explores how a group of athletes are breaking barriers in a male dominated sport - giving future generations of young women the chance to dream about becoming the next tackle football star. This is only the beginning.

Digital One was excited to be drafted to an amazing production team entrusted to bring this story to light. The brainchild of For Good and Co and Good Buddy Co, they knew they needed to select Portland’s best for their squad, including Koerner Camera and Marmoset Music. Of course, Dig1 provided dialog editorial and clean-up, sound design, theatrical mix, and plenty of cookies.

#ORsheflies #womenstacklefootball #WNFC #footballplayher #WNFCProud #IGCTV #ESPN #football #waymakersmovie


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